Answering the Call to Transcendent Leadership, by Judy Pendleton

To all Beloveds — the call is placed for all who will answer in this year of Soul Transcendence.

What a perfect year to enter the PTS two-year program called Transcendent Leadership, Leading a Life of Soul Transcendence.  I am writing to share with you my experience in transcendently learning and leading.  You see, my heart and Inner Master called me into this program a little over two years ago.  I was called; I answered; I “chose in” with the first-year Cohort of the program.  Fifteen Transcendent Leaders graduated at the Conference of One Accord, each one of us with ongoing capstones within which our transcending journey continues.  You can see the recording of our graduation where we share our Capstones here.

So many blessings have flowed and continue to flow forward from my answering this Transcendent Leadership call.  I discovered keys for me which unlocked doors, the hinges of which had become rusty and creaky.  A whole universe opened up in my consciousness which I have named “The Land of Loving and Light.”  I could write a book about the experiences in this place within my heart.  For now, I want to acknowledge that all of my lived experiences, even the ones I previously judged and thought “wrong,” are embraced and loved in this place.  You probably know what comes from loving it all…for me it manifests as laughter and joy.

I had to be willing to transcend, then choose to transcend, then show up and openly receive of the blessings of learning and loving and Light for all the highest good for me and you.  I found keys on hooks where I keep keys, identified with their names— AcceptanceCooperation, Understanding and Enthusiasm.  I already knew about these keys, but I have grown in confidence in my ability in picking them up and using them.  I have identified other keys that help me to remember, like “Willingness” and “Choose” and “Forgive”.  Transcending for me is about being me, present in all of my loving and caring and sharing.

We are not alone, ever.  The Mystical Traveler’s loving energy is ever-present, loving us and showing us the keys that unlock whatever doors we may think are closed to us.  We and the faculty are the pioneers for you.  The amazing faculty and first and second year Transcendent Leadership Cohorts are with you, for we continue to transcend in our learning and leading and loving of us all who are going home in God.  I hope you will join us in this Beloved Community.

Baruch Bashan.

For a “deep dive” into this wonderful program, please explore the PTS Master of Spiritual Science Program in Transcendent Leadership, Leading a Life of Soul Transcendence website.  I so encourage all who sense their hearts calling them forward to choose in and answer the call.  Enrollment is open now.  The next distance learning Cohort begins with Orientation on August 29.

By: Judy Pendleton

Joanie Clingan