A Statement from Leigh Taylor Young

I want to talk about Transcendent Leadership which is a program that Peace Theological Seminary offers. I’ve been watching the development as a witness by John’s side. The whole development of this program with Joanie Clingan and the faculty has been so thrilling. I would say personally that if I were to take a class at this time it would be for me Transcendent Leadership, because when I began to hear how the faculty and John were developing it together I understood it so deeply in my heart.

Just the words Transcendent Leadership appealed to me. What is leadership that is transcendent? And what began developing in my awareness is, it’s transcendent followship. It’s following the Lord, following God, listening, attuning. Filling up, so you’re automatically living and leading from the attunement with the divine.

The class is exquisitely developed for each person taking it to come more and more into that place of the divine servant, following. Following the Lord’s direction and filling with that. It’s lovingly designed to take the deepest dive I’ve seen in classes into that divine relationship. It holds the clear intention to be the master of transcendence, but from the place of complete humility in following the direction and leadership of God and the Lord.

I remember in the beginning there was an exploration about whether the class would be open or be grounded in the discourses and initiation. And thank goodness Spirit directed it to be for initiates and those studying toward initiation. Yes! So that we could go as high as possible.

I want to encourage you to participate. The class is starting soon and there’s space. It’s a small cohort of learners—it’s not large—so the attention from the Traveler directly is acute.

I love this class. God Bless It.

Joanie Clingan